「令和6年9月能登半島大雨災害(石川県)」への救援金 / Relief Funds for disaster of heavy rainfall in Noto Peninsula (Ishikawa Prefecture), Sep 2024







8 October 2024

    We would like to express our deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the widespread heavy rains that began on 20th September, 2024.

    The Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture, in particular, has faced further challenges as it is still recovering from the Noto Peninsula earthquake in January this year.

    Once again, damage to both people and buildings has occurred, leaving many in difficult situations and in need of support to rebuild their lives and livelihoods as quickly as possible.

    In response, Kumiai Senpaku Group has donated 1 million yen to the Japanese Red Cross Society to provide relief to those affected by the disaster and to support reconstruction efforts in the affected areas.

    We sincerely hope that everyone affected by the disaster can return to their normal lives as soon as possible and affected regions will recover swiftly.


    2018年7月 西日本豪雨(愛媛新聞社経由)                

    2018年9月 平成30年北海道胆振地方中東部地震          

    2019年9月 令和元年台風第15号千葉県災害 

    2019年10月 令和元年台風第19号災害義援金

    2020年7月 令和2年豪雨災害義援金

    2021年7月 令和3年7月大雨災害義援金

    2022年1月 トンガ大洋州噴火津波救援金寄付

    2023年2月 トルコ南東部地震災害義援金(トルコ大使館経由)

    2023年9月 モロッコ地震支援、

    2024年1月 令和6年能登半島地震災害義援金

    2024年4月 台湾東部沖地震に関する義援金

    2024年8月 令和6年7月25日からの大雨災害義援金(秋田県、山形県)

    ・Our Donation history

    July 2018                    Heavy rain in western Japan (via Ehima Shimbu)                

    September 2018       Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Subprefecture Earthquake – Heisei 30

    September 2019       Typhoon No. 15 Disaster in Chiba – Reiwa 1

    October 2019            Typhoon No. 19 Disaster in Japan  – Reiwa 1

    July 2020                    Heavy Rain Disaster in Japan  – Reiwa 2

    July 2021                    July Heavy Rain Disaster in Japan   – Reiwa 3

    January 2022             Hunga Tonga Eruption & Tsunami

    February 2023           Southeastern Turkey Earthquake Disaster (via Embassy of Turkey)

    September 2023       Morocco Earthquake

    January 2024             Noto Peninsula Earthquake – Reiwa 6

    April 2024                  Eastern Taiwan Earthquake

    August 2024               Heavy rainfall in Akita and Yamagata Prefectures – Reiwa 6

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