きづきの森@マニラ/ Kizuki no Mori @Manila  【Part 1】


今回は、くみあい船舶とフィリピンのMagsaysay社との共同Tree Planting Projectです。Magsaysay社は、当社の一部船舶の配乗代理店です。今年3月に当社来訪の際、Magsaysay社がフィリピンで広く社会貢献活動をされているのをお聞きし、何か一緒にできないか・・・というのがきっかけでした。

The Tree Planting Project with Magsaysay Inc. named “Kizuki no Mori @ Manila” took place on July 16th in Manila. Magsaysay is our crew manning company. We are very much interested to cooperate with them after we heard about their active social contributions in Philippines.


We planted 150 trees. They are planted in Rizal Park and MIS.This year was the 150th anniversary of Rizal, and we had the honer particiate in the memorial project.

当社からは米田と藤原が式典に出席しました。Ms Yoneda and Mr Fujiwara attended the ceremony in Manila.

少年少女たちの素晴らしい歌[E:note]で式典が始まりました。The ceremony started with wonderful song of boys and girls.

Speeches of three ladies.

Ms.Juliet Villegas / Executive Director National Parks Development Committiee

Ms Doris Magsaysay Ho / President & CEO A.Magsaysay Inc.

Ms. Chikako Yoneda / Owner Kumiai Senpaku Co.; Ltd.

ラプラプサークルの周りに1本ずつ植えました[E:happy01]They planted the treees around the Lapu-Lapu circle.

公園事務所の見学です[E:eye] こちらでも歌で迎えられました。They visited the park office.  Again, we were welcomed by a song.

Part 2へ続く・・・

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